To Our Community,
The health and safety of you, our patients, team members and community is our highest priority. As talk of the continual spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the country and in Houston, Texas, continues, I wanted to share some of the actions Signature Smiles Dentistry is taking to help protect both you and our employees.
As this situation evolves, our team and dentist will closely monitor guidance updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with state and our local health officials. We will continue to rely on their recommendations and expertise to inform our decisions.
As a result, we are:
- Continuing our highest protocol of sterilization and universal precautions on all our equipment and instruments, which are always wrapped and kept that way until your specific reservation.
- As always, we continue to wipe down, with medical sanitation wipes, all surfaces patients come into contact with, prior and post all appointments.
- Continuing to wear gloves, masks, eye protection and isolation gowns during your visit.
- Once entering the operatory, patients will be asked to rinse with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solutions provided to them in a paper cup and then asked to gently expectorate it back into the paper cup. The contents will be placed into the sink and the cup into the garbage. If the patient is allergic to hydrogen peroxide, peridex will be used. When the treatment is finished, the patient will be asked to wash their hands.
- We continue to clean and sanitize the non-clinical areas which would include reception area, doorknobs, countertops, etc, as well as providing a hepa approved air purifier in the waiting room. Our hygiene rooms are equipped with air evacuation systems.
- Upon your arrival, you will be asked to wait until we have individually checked your temperature and answered the mandated COVID 19 questions, before entering our office.
- We have limited the amount of seating in the waiting room for your protection as well, and ask that family members or anyone accompanying the patient to the office, wait in their cars as no family members will be allowed in the back of the office.
All of us at Signature Smiles Dentistry understand that this issue is cause for concern to many, and we offer our deepest sympathies to those who have been affected here in the US and around the world. Rest assured that as circumstances continue to develop, one thing will remain the same: We will make our decisions with the health and well-being of our patients, employees and communities as our highest priority.
Dr. Sonya G. Morgan
Signature Smiles Dentistry